Big List of Ways To Get Cheap Car Insurance
We originally started out with the 3 best ways to get cheap car insurance however our customers wanted to know even more ways. So we have compiled a list of 25 ways to get cheap car insurance below.
1. Comparison Shop
Finding the most affordable car insurance isn’t as hard as it once was. With so many different car insurance agents located all around the country, and some available exclusively online, your options are now more plentiful than ever before. The hard part is sorting them out in order to make sure you are getting the most affordable rates while still maintaining the exact amount of coverage you need.
The first thing you should do when looking for cheap car insurance is comparison shop. Consult your area’s local phone book, call or visit agencies near you, and remember to take notes regarding prices.
Next you’ll want to do some online research to find out your online car insurance options. Again, take notes and compare these to the notes you have concerning local agents.
Finally, ask your friends and family members what insurer they use, and ask for any recommendations or warnings they may have about other agencies. You’re sure to receive an unbiased opinion every time.
2. Age-Based Discounts
Many younger drivers may not realize this, but your age is an important factor in setting the exact price of your auto insurance premium. You’ll typically see premiums lowered once you hit the age of 25, with discounts that can sometimes be as high as 20%, though other factors such as marital status and driving record are also taken into consideration.
The lowest premiums associated with cheap car insurance rates are typically given to drivers between the ages of 25 and 55. This age group is considered to be amongst the safest drivers on the road; certainly safer than teenagers and elderly drivers.
Depending on your insurance agent you may also see discounts as you age beyond 25. These discounts usually cease once a driver reaches their mid 50’s, though you may be eligible to receive other discounts on your car insurance at that time.
3. Move to a Lower-Crime Area.
The location of your home as well as your daily commute to the workplace is also taken into consideration by insurance agents when determining your car insurance premiums. This is a factor for a number of good reasons.
Individuals who live and park their car in wealthy neighborhoods are statistically less likely to have their car stolen, broken into, or damaged while it is parked overnight. Secondly, those who have shorter commutes to and from work are statistically less likely to be involved in an accident as they spend less time on the road than drivers with longer commutes.
This is why agents always make sure your home address and telephone number is correct. They use this information to determine if you live in a low-risk neighborhood or a high-risk area, and they compare with your employer’s information to determine how long of a commute you have back and forth each day. This will determine the exact rate of your cheap car insurance.
4. Consider Getting a Different Vehicle if Savings Warrant it
Did you know that insurance on a honda can be more expensive than insurance on a Jaguar?
The exact make and specific model of your vehicle is also used to determine how much you pay for cheap car insurance. This information is important to your insurance agent for a number of reasons.
The newer the car, the higher the repair/replacement cost.
On the other hand, First of all, some vehicles are simply more reliable than others. A used vehicle that’s been on the road for 20 years is not nearly as reliable as a brand new car. Though it may be more affordable to buy the older, used car, you may wind up paying higher insurance rates because of it.
Owners of sports cars and luxury vehicles can also expect higher premiums than most other drivers. These automobiles are usually capable of much greater speeds than other vehicles on the road, and some may even have upgrades or aftermarket parts added on. All of this increases the risk of an accident or breakdown, and your agent will charge you extra for the coverage.
5. Increasing Your Deductible Can Save You $100′s a Year
A deductible is the amount of money you are actually required to pay out in the event of an accident before your insurer will pay out on your claim. The amount of your deductible is also one of the biggest factors in determining your auto insurance premiums. In fact, the larger this deductible is, the less you’ll have to pay for coverage on a month-to-month basis.
Most drivers don’t realize this, but most agents will actually allow you to raise the deductible amount in order to lower your monthly rates. If you’re looking for cheap car insurance then this is a good deal for you; especially if you have a clean driving record as you may not ever have to actually pay this deductible. Ask your agent if they offer this service and, if they do, ask them how much you’ll be able to save by going with an increased deductible. The answer may surprise you.
6. Consolidate Your Policies With One Company
If you currently have multiple insurance policies through several different companies then you may be able to consolidate them so you just have to deal with one insurance agent. For example, many individuals have separate policies on their house, their car, and maybe even a boat or recreational vehicle.
Combining all of these separate policies into one, or at least choosing one company to handle all of your policies, can eliminate a number of hassles. It can also lower the amount of money you pay each month for insurance all around.
Other types of insurance include health, dental, life, and travel. Depending on the company you are working with, you may be able to combine these types of insurance to receive cheap car insurance as well. This will save you even more money on a monthly basis.
7. Check For Multiple Vehicle Discounts
Many individuals own multiple cars, and most of these owners keep insurance on all of their vehicles year round. Others may own seasonal cars, show cars, or other vehicles that are only brought out on rare occasions.
If you own multiple vehicles for whatever reason, you can consolidate them all onto one insurance policy when looking for cheap car insurance. The benefits of this include less paper mail being sent to your house as well as a reduction in your insurance premiums each month.
Multiple drivers can also be added to an insurance policy, allowing you to further reduce your auto insurance premiums. This includes spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends, and even roommates. Remember to comparison shop and do the math beforehand, however; in some cases it is cheaper to hold policies with separate insurance companies.
In fact, even if you have a vehicle thats not working, adding it to your insurance policy can save you a lot of money in some cases.
8. Stay Loyal
Loyalty means a lot in any business, and the car insurance business is no different. In fact, many auto insurance companies are now offering reduced premiums as a way of rewarding some of their most loyal customers.
When looking for cheap car insurance, agent loyalty can be your best friend. Once you find an insurance company that offers the amount of coverage you need for the right price, develop a relationship with them. Get to know your local insurance agents and most importantly, stick with the same company year in and year out. After all, if you’re already receiving great rates and the coverage you need there’s simply no reason to go elsewhere and look for a new policy with a new company.
Loyalty also relates to making your payments on time. Paying your premiums on or before the due date every single month will help you avoid late fees and additional fines or charges.
9. Get Liability Only if Your Car is Older
Most drivers automatically opt for full coverage on their vehicles when in reality, not every one of us needs full coverage. If you’re looking for cheap car insurance, try to find a policy that covers only the areas you need and nothing more.
If you already have full coverage insurance, it’s never too late to ask your agent for a decrease in coverage. Towing fees and rental car fees that are covered by a policy may sound good, but if you have a second car then you might not ever need to use a rental car. Furthermore, some individuals may hold memberships elsewhere that grant them access to reduced towing or automobile service charges.
If your vehicle is valued at less than $1,000, you may also want to consider dropping your collision and comprehensive coverage. In cases like this it might not be worth it financially to repair your vehicle after a crash or accident.
This can save 50% in some cases.
10. Get Storage Insurance if Your Not Driving a Vehicle Year Round
If your vehicle is used as a seasonal vehicle or a show vehicle you may not require full insurance year round. For vehicles that are put in storage for any amount of time, storage insurance is your best option for cheap car insurance.
Note that this type of insurance is not legal for driving on, though it will pay out in the event your vehicle is damaged during storage. Depending on the exact make and model of the car in question, and depending on the type of damage that has been done, repairing the vehicle without insurance may end up costing you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses.
As long as you maintain storage insurance on your vehicle while it is being stored away, no matter the location, then you can save yourself a lot of time, frustration, and money if something does happen to your vehicle.