There are many free clinic options in most urban areas. Websites such as www.freemedicalsearch.org, www.freedentalcare.us, www.dentalclinics.org are helpful resources. Many of the clinics listed on these types of websites are referred to as – sliding scale clinics.
Sliding Scale Clinics for these unaware are clinics that charge based on one’s ability to pay. Technically this can be considered, low income clinics, but not exactly free. There are also processes that need to be followed for qualifying. This requires things such as recent pay stubs and/or tax returns.
With the induction of Obama Care, many of these free clinics are closing. There still is a definitive need for free clinics, but in recent months many are closing at a rapidly increasing rate. Will they have to reopen at a later date? We just do not know yet. But there are many FQHC’s (Federally Qualified Health Centers) in the USA to assist with those in need.