Is your credit less than perfect? You’re not alone. In fact, some estimates show that 25 percent of American adults are saddled with poor credit. Yet,...

Five Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy
Debt is a way of life for many consumers. It can be so overwhelming that bankruptcy seems to be the only answer. Because bankruptcy can have such a de...
Should You File Bankruptcy?
There’s a stigma against bankruptcy and for good reason. It devastates your credit and cripples your borrowing abilty. Even though bankruptcy will fal...
Basic Types of Personal Bankruptcy
Under the U.S. Constitution, you have the ability to relieve all or part of your debts when you can no longer meet your obligations to creditors and l...

The Truth About Zero Percent Financing
When you hear or see ads touting zero-percent financing, your first reaction may be one of skepticism. How can any finance company offer a car loan wi...